Maskiss 24k Gold Under Eye Patches (25 Pairs), eye mask, Collagen Skin Care Products, Eye Patches for Puffy Eyes, eye masks for dark circles and puffiness


Anti-Aging Effect: Maskiss under eye patches with collagen as an anti-aging component prevent the formation of wrinkles and 24K nano gold with a protective effect helps prevent your skin from sagging.
Puffy Eyes And Dark Circles Treatment: Maskiss under eye patches are highly effective eye skin care treatment which will quickly work against skin aging, flat wrinkles & fine lines, eliminate dark circles, remove puffiness and speed up cell and collagen rejuvenation.
Hydrating & Moisturizing: Hyaluronic acid in Maskiss under eye patches helps to hydrate and moisturize your skin, providing long-lasting effect, you will notice your skin refreshed and hydrated from the very first application. Reveal a younger-looking you.


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